13:00- | Registration | ||||
13:00-13:40 | 김화중 회장님 개회사 | ||||
S1. Graduate Student Presentation 젊은과학자 학생발표 | |||||
좌장 | Jung Mogg Kim 김정목 |
Hanyang University College of Medicine 한양대학교 의과대학 |
13:40-13:55 | Young Jae Kim 김영재 |
College of Medicine, Chungnam National University 충남대학교 의과대학 | Ubiquitin regulatory X domain-containing protein 6 is a key player in the regulation of inflammatory responses in macrophages | ||
13:55-14:10 | Thanh Quang Tran | Chonnam National University Medical College 전남대학교 의과대학 |
Anti-cancer effect of interleukin-2 fused to flagellin expressed by tumor-targeting bacteria | ||
14:10-14:25 | Lee Jun Ho 이준호 |
College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University 서울대학교 수의과대학 |
Characteristics of Mycobacterium avium subpsecies paratuberculosis mutants generated with CRISPRI systems in THP-1 macrophage cells. | ||
14:25-14:40 | Sura Kim 김수라 |
Jeonbuk National University Medical School 전북대학교 의과대학 |
The bacterial pair of Oribacterium sp. and Ruminococcus sp. activate a host-directed immunity by a activating the IL-2 – IFN-γ pathway to provide production against all coronavirus infections. | ||
14:40-14:55 | Woorim Song 송우림 |
Seoul National University College of Medicine 서울대학교 의과대학 |
Senescent lung epithelial cells aberrantly regulate chemokine production of human macrophages under poly(I:C) stimulation, mimicking viral infection. | ||
14:55-15:10 | Coffee break | ||||
S2. New Horizons in Microbial Pathogenesis | |||||
좌장 | Yong Woo Jung 정용우 |
Korea University 고려대학교 |
15:10-15:35 | Chang-Hwa Song 송창화 |
College of Medicine, Chungnam National University 충남대학교 의과대학 |
Several host factors that facilitate control of mycobacterial infection | ||
15:35-16:00 | Jichan Jang 장지찬 |
Division of Life Science, Gyeongsang National University 경상국립대 생명과학부 |
GNU-MMA, a new potent inhibitor against Mycobacterium tuberculosis | ||
16:00-16:25 | Yoo Ji-Seung / 유지승 |
Kyungpook National University 경북대학교 생명공학부 |
A novel approach for controlling pulmonary diseases by targeting the newly identified lung-specific immunoreceptor | ||
16:25-16:50 | Sang Chul Park 박상철 |
Hallym University College of Medicine 한림대강남성심병원 |
Effects of Mycobacterium species on allergic airway inflammation | ||
16:50-17:00 | Coffee break | ||||
S3. Plenary Lecture | |||||
좌장 | Eun-Kyeong Jo 조은경 |
Chungnam National University College of Medicine 충남의대 |
17:00-17:50 | Kiyoshi Takeda 키요시 타케다 |
Osaka University 오사카 대학 |
Host-microbiota interaction for gut homeostasis |
09:00-09:10 | 김원용 이사장 및 지영미 질병관리청장님 축사 | ||||
S4. One Health Approach to Overcoming Antimicrobial Resistance 항생제내성 극복을 위한 원헬스적 접근 | |||||
좌장 | Gyung Tae Chung Director General 정경태 센터장 |
Center for Infectious Disease Research | |||
09:10-09:35 | Jung Sik Yoo 유정식 과장 |
National Institute of Infectious Diseases(NIID) 국립보건연구원 국립감염병연구소 |
Various Approaches to Overcoming Antimicrobial Resistance in Korea | ||
09:35-10:00 | Yong Jun Kwon 권용준 교수 |
Chonnam National University Medical School 전남대학교 의과대학 |
One Health Approach to Addressing Severe Fungal Infections | ||
10:00-10:25 | Junyoung Kim 김준영 연구관 |
Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency(KDCA) 질병관리청 진단분석국 세균분석과 |
A comparative Analysis of Antimicrobial resistant Salmonella spp. from Humans and Animals in Korea | ||
10:25-10:50 | Ji-Yeon Hyeon 현지연 교수 |
Colleage of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University 건국대학교 수의학과 |
Comparison of KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae ST307 from Humans and Animals in Korea | ||
10:50-11:00 | Coffee break | ||||
S5. Convergence Research for Infectious Diseases | |||||
좌장 | |||||
11:00-11:25 | Woo-jin Jeong 정우진 |
Inha University 인하대학교 생명공학과 |
Peptide-based nanostructures for the treatment of infectious diseases | ||
11:25-11:50 | Kim Yong Kyun 김용균 |
Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital 한림대학교성심병원 감염내과 |
International collaborative research for antibiotic combination therapy against multidrug-resistant organisms | ||
11:50-12:15 | Shukho Kim 김석호 |
Kyungpook National University 경북대학교 의과대학 |
Antibacterial application of bacteriophages against Gram-negative pathogens | ||
12:15-12:40 | Jae-Ho Jeong 정재호 |
Chonnam National University Medical School 전남대학교 의과대학 |
White paper on Bacteria mediated cancer therapy | ||
12:40-13:30 | 대한미생물학회 총회 | ||||
12:40-13:30 | Lunch Time | ||||
13:30-14:20 | 포스터 심사 | ||||
S6. Young Scientist Presentation | |||||
좌장 | |||||
14:20-14:40 | Jungho Ahn 안중호 |
Department of Biophysics, Sungkyunkwan University 성균관대학교 생명물리학과 |
Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies for Microbiology Research | ||
14:40-15:00 | Min-Hee Yi 이민희 |
Chonnam National University Medical School 전남대학교 의과대학 |
Optogenetic stimulation of cortical microglia promotes neuronal activity and pain hypersensitivity | ||
15:00-15:20 | Hyun-Eui Park 박현의 |
Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine 연세원주의대 미생물학교실 |
The unrecognized threat: Small colony variants of Mycobacterium avium complex | ||
15:20-15:30 | Coffee break | ||||
S7. Next Pandemic | |||||
좌장 | Hee-Chang Jang Director General 장희창 소장 |
Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency 국립보건연구원 국립감염병연구소 |
15:30-15:55 | Yoo-kyoung Lee 이유경 과장 |
Korea National Institute of Health(NIH) | Vaccine Development Strategy to Prepare for and Respond to Emerging Infectious Disease | ||
15:55-16:20 | Jinah Yeo 여진아 책임 |
Korea National Institute of Health(NIH) | Innate immune responses against mRNA vaccine promote cellular immunity through IFN-beta at the injection site. | ||
16:20-16:45 | Jooyoung Kim 김주영 책임연구원 |
QuadMedicine Inc. 쿼드메디신 |
Effectiveness of Microneedle Array Patch for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine | ||
16:45-16:10 | Seung Ho Choo 추승호 연구소장 |
Creo SG 크레오에스지 |
Development of SFTS (Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome ) and HFRS(Hemorrhagic fever renal syndrome)vaccine | ||
17:10-17:35 | Choi Ju-yeon 최주연 연구관 |
National Institute of Health(NIH) 국립보건연구원 국립감염병연구소 |
A long-term study on immunogenicity: COVID-19 booster vaccination and breakthrough infection | ||
17:35 | 시상식/경품추천 |
S8. Medical Research Council meeting | |||||
10:00-12:00 | Medical Research Council meeting |